Saturday, August 27, 2016

Episode 72: SHELLAC

Caroline and Jeff step back into Albini Town with Shellac! Enjoy some spartan rockin' and a spirited discussion of feminist conspiracies.

Albums discussed in this episode:

-At Action Park (1994)
-Terraform (1998)
-1000 Hurts (2000)
-Excellent Italian Greyhound (2007)
-Dude Incredible (2014)

NOTE: you may hear faint music playing during this episode. We just got new software and are still messing with it. Be patient with us.

Direct download

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Episode 71: MODEST MOUSE

Caroline and Jeff welcome their first international guest, Simon, to discuss that most American of bands, Modest Mouse! Other topics of discussion include Pitchfork, ska covers, 2004, and so much more!
 Albums discussed in this episode:
 -This is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About (1996)
-The Lonesome Crowded West (1997)
-Building Something Out of Nothing (2000)
-The Moon & Antarctica (2000)
-Good News for People Who Love Bad News (2004)
-We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank (2007)

Direct download

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Episode 70: BORIS

Andrew joins us today to chat about one of the greats, Boris! In this episode, we discuss sexism in action, how many bad opinions it takes to be banned from the show, vaping, and Billy Joel.
 Albums discussed in this episode:
-Amplifier Worship (1998)
-Flood (2000)
-Heavy Rocks (2002)
-Boris At Last -Feedbacker- (2003)
-Sound Track From Film Mabuta no Ura (2005)
-Pink (2005)
-Altar (with Sunn O))), 2006)
-New Album (2011)

Direct download